Oregon Health Authority | COVID-19 Updates

 Reopening Criteria

Oregon Health Authority logo

On March 8, Gov. Kate Brown declared a state of emergency to address the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon. An Executive Order issued March 23 directs Oregonians to stay home except for essential needs. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) serves as the lead agency for the public health response.

You can help stop COVID-19 from spreading. Wash your hands and cover your cough. Stay home if you are sick and avoid contact with people who are sick. Stay Home. Save Lives. For general information on COVID-19 in Oregon, call 211. If you are having a medical emergency, call 911.

COVID-19 News Sign up for Updates Contact Us Governor's Website

 Contact Tracing Interest Form

Safe and strong logo

As we face COVID-19 together, it's clear that we are strongest when we are in community, even from a distance. To help keep our communities safe and healthy, the Safe + Strong website provides updates, resources and information in multiple languages. With the right information, we can get through this — together.

 Situation in Oregon

COVID-19 data are provisional and subject to change with ongoing data reconciliation.

Data current as of 5/14/2020, 8:00 a.m. Updated daily.
Total cases3,4791
Total deaths137
Positive tests3,407
Negative tests83,272
Total tested86,679

1Includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are those without a positive diagnostic test who present COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a confirmed case.

County Cases1 Deaths2 Negatives3
Baker 1 0 118
Benton 50 5 3050
Clackamas 271 9 7936
Clatsop 36 0 975
Columbia 16 0 1054
Coos 30 0 931
Crook 1 0 345
Curry 4 0 235
Deschutes 91 0 3172
Douglas 24 0 1630
Gilliam 0 0 35
Grant 1 0 86
Harney 1 0 108
Hood River 14 0 780
Jackson 50 0 5063
Jefferson 24 0 537
Josephine 25 1 1434
Klamath 41 0 2682
Lake 0 0 92
Lane 61 2 6466
Lincoln 6 0 969
Linn 107 8 2807
Malheur 16 0 382
Marion 779 23 6099
Morrow 12 0 117
Multnomah 940 55 18323
Polk 91 9 1218
Sherman 1 0 49
Tillamook 6 0 459
Umatilla 88 2 1089
Union 4 0 184
Wallowa 1 0 65
Wasco 16 1 835
Washington 616 15 11833
Wheeler 0 0 71
Yamhill 55 7 2034
Total 3479 137 83263
Age group Cases Percent Ever hospitalized4 Deaths2
0 to 9 32 1% 5 0
10 to 19 113 3% 1 0
20 to 29 498 14% 25 0
30 to 39 596 17% 43 0
40 to 49 597 17% 83 3
50 to 59 602 17% 113 5
60 to 69 487 14% 163 26
70 to 79 321 9% 142 39
80 and over 222 6% 106 64
Not available 11 0% 4 0
Total 3479 100% 685 137
Sex Cases Percent Deaths2
Female 1851 53% 58
Male 1627 47% 79
Non-binary 1 0% 0
Not available 0 0% 0
Total 3479 100% 137
Hospitalized4 Cases Percent
Yes 685 20%
No 2552 73%
Not provided 242 7%
Total 3479 100%
Hospital capacity and usage5 Available Total
Adult ICU beds 191 791
Adult non-ICU beds 1706 6715
Pediatric NICU/PICU beds 74 302
Pediatric non-ICU beds 143 347
Ventilators 784
COVID-19 details5 Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 Only patients with confirmed COVID-19
Current hospitalized patients 163 59
Current patients in ICU beds 38 22
Current patients on ventilators 17 12
Testing by Oregon State Public Health Laboratory
Specimens received at OSPHL on 5/13/2020 71
Test results released by OSPHL on 5/13/2020 73
Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/13/2020 36
Total persons tested for COVID-19 at OSPHL since 2/28/2020 4,713
Total persons tested at other laboratories 81,966
Total persons tested 83,909

1This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are those without a positive diagnostic test who present COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a confirmed case. County of residence for cases may change as new information becomes available. If changes occur, we will update our counts accordingly.

2For additional details on individuals who have died from COVID-19 in Oregon, please refer to our press releases.

3This includes cases who test negative and are not epi-linked to a confirmed case.

4Ever hospitalized, if available, as reported to Orpheus. Orpheus is the state of Oregon’s electronic disease surveillance system for reportable diseases. Cases are considered hospitalized if they were ever admitted to the hospital for inpatient care during the their COVID-19 illness. Cases who were examined in but not admitted to a hospital may be incorrectly classified as hospitalized until interview and medical record review are complete, leading to fluctuations in the number of hospitalized COVID-19 cases.

5As reported to Oregon’s Hospital Capacity Web System (HOSCAP). Every hospital in Oregon is asked to submit data twice daily HOSCAP. Hospital staff are asked to enter bed capacity information, by type, as well as the numbers of patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 illness who are currently hospitalized at the time of data entry. These data may conflict with hospitalization status in Orpheus due to case reporting and investigation lags and temporary discrepancies in case classification.


  1. Because community transmission is occurring in Oregon and recommendations on social or physical distancing are in place, as of March 17, 2020, we no longer report daily counts of persons under monitoring.
  2. Confirmation by CDC of laboratory results from the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory is no longer required; therefore as of March 15, 2020, we no longer note the number of CDC-confirmed cases.
  3. Reporting of travel history is not available for cases reported to OHA by commercial laboratories; therefore as of March 15, 2020, we no longer include information about travel history.
  4. As of March 25, 2020, we are including the number of pending test results available from the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory (OSPHL). The OSPHL serves as the first source of testing during an outbreak and as commercial labs come online, OSPHL increases focus on priority testing. Commercial labs have the ability to conduct testing on an industrial scale, but do not report pending results, therefore we only include pending results from OSPHL.
  5. As of March 26, 2020, OHA is releasing a COVID-19 Daily Update (formerly called the Situational Status Report) which is produced jointly with Oregon Office of Emergency Management. It details the overall picture of the COVID-19 response across government agencies. Previous updates are posted on OHA's COVID-19 News page.

Daily Update

Produced jointly by the Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, this update details the overall picture of the COVID-19 response across government agencies, including information on hospital capacity and PPE inventory.

Weekly Report

Produced weekly on Tuesdays by the the Oregon Health Authority, this report includes details on symptoms, risk factors, race and ethnicity, and long term care and senior living communities.

Weekly Testing Summary

Projected COVID-19 Epidemic Trends in Oregon

Statewide Death Data

Produced weekly on Tuesdays by the OHA Center for Health Statistics (CHS), this dashboard shows data for statewide deaths and place of death.

 Governor's Orders and OHA Guidance


Governor’s Joint Task Force for Health Care Systems Response to COVID-19

The purpose of this task force is to provide guidance promoting a unified response to the COVID-19 outbreak throughout Oregon, creating a framework that will best support health care system preparedness and response.

 Reopening Criteria

Oregon Plans

Summary Documents

Guidance Documents

More Resources

Other Languages - Click to download in multiple languages

May 12 Press Conference

On May 12, Governor Brown held a press conference to announce which counties can begin reopening.

 Watch the May 12 Press Conference

May 7 Press Conference

On May 7, Governor Brown held a press conference to discuss Oregon's science-driven framework for reopening Oregon.

 Watch the May 7 Press Conference Read the May 7 Press Release

May 1 Press Conference

On May 1, Governor Brown held a press conference to discuss how we can safely start to reopen Oregon.

 Watch the May 1 Press Conference  Read the May 1 Press Release

Guidance for the General Public

Reopening Guidance for the Public - Applies statewide, immediately
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Guidance on Use of Face Coverings
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese

Sector Guidance for Employers

Guidance that applies statewide, immediately 
Outdoor Recreation Organizations
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Guidance that applies statewide, starting May 15
General Guidance for Employers
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Retail Stores
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Child Care Operations
Guidance for counties that enter Phase 1 reopening
Personal Services Providers
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Restaurants and Bars
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Shopping Centers and Malls
Spanish | Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Chuukese | Hmong | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese
Fitness-related Organizations5/14/2020


Guidance for Healthcare Settings

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Guidance for Resumption of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures 5/6/2020
Guidance on Resumption of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures For Veterinary Facilities 5/1/2020
Guidance on Resumption of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures For Hospitals
 Hospital Attestation Form
Guidance on Resumption of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures For Ambulatory Surgical Centers
 Ambulatory Surgical Center Attestation Form
Guidance on Resumption of Non-Emergent and Elective Procedures For Medical and Dental Offices and Other Health Care Settings 4/29/2020

Additional guidance for healthcare partners can be found on the pages linked below.

OHA Emergency and Temporary Rules

 State of Oregon Resources

Visit these state websites for more COVID-19 resources and information.

 Governor's Website  Emergency Management  Education  Employment  Human Services

 Community Resources for Specific Groups



Information from the CDC

Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) of Oregon

  • For information about government or community resources available to provide support for Oregonians, please visit the ADRC website or call 1-855-ORE-ADRC.

Senior Loneliness Line

The Senior Loneliness Line team of volunteers and staff are specially trained in working with older adults and can provide ongoing support, connect you with resources or just listen. Your information is completely confidential.

 503-200-1633  800-282-7035  Facebook  SeniorLonelinessLine.org

The Senior Loneliness Line can provide:

  • A friendly person to talk to when you need one
  • Someone to listen
  • Emotional support and understanding
  • Resources and referrals
  • Grief support
  • Elder abuse prevention and counseling
  • Suicide intervention

Developmental Disabilities

Office of Developmental Disabilities Services: www.oregon.gov/DHS/SENIORS-DISABILITIES/DD/Pages/index.aspx

FACT Oregon: www.factoregon.org or 503-786-6082 or 888-988-3228

The Arc of Oregon: www.thearcoregon.org or 503-581-2726

 Information in ASL

Videos from CDC

 CDC COVID-19 ASL Video Series

Videos from Washington State Department of Health

#1: What is COVID-19?
#2: How COVID-19 spreads
#3: COVID-19 symptoms
#4: What to do if you are sick
#5: Prevention and treatment for COVID-19
#6: Stigma and COVID-19
#7: What can you do about COVID-19?
#8: What is social or physical distancing?

Note for video #2: OHA recommends that before discontinuing isolation, people be free from fever and cough for at least 72 hours. Negative tests are not required for someone on home isolation. People with confirmed COVID-19 cases will receive specific instructions from their Local Public Health Authority.

Guidance for Agricultural Workers and Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers


Guidance for Agricultural Employers

English Español / Spanish

OHA Resources

Social or physical distancing
Español / Spanish English

Novel coronavirus fact sheet
Español / Spanish English

Prevention flyer
Español / Spanish English

Don’t touch your face flyer
Español / Spanish English

OHA Videos

Federal Resources

Oregon Community Based Organizations serving Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers

Other Resources for Employers

  • COVID-19 and Food Safety. A resource for growers that answers common questions about how to approach hand-washing and sanitation on produce farms.

 Community Resources by Topic

If You are Experiencing a Crisis

In an emergency, dial 911.

Lines for Life: Suicide prevention organization with specific resources for youth, military personnel and their families, and those affected by substance abuse problems. Visit www.linesforlife.org or call one of their helplines.

  • Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255, 1-888-628-9454 for Spanish
  • Alcohol and Drug Helpline: 1-800-923-4357
  • Military Helpline: 1-888-457-4838
  • Youthline: 1-877-968-8491 or text teen2teen to 839863

Resources by County: Visit OHA's crisis lines page to find local crisis services in your county.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Visit www.ocadsv.org/find-help for resources in Oregon or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Children, Youth, and Young Adults

Oregon Family Support Network: Support, advocacy, and training for families parenting youth with behavioral health challenges. Visit www.ofsn.org or call 503-363-8068.

Reach Out Oregon Parent Warmline: Live 1:1 support for parents. Staffed by family support specialists who have experience parenting youth with significant behavioral health challenges. Visit www.reachoutoregon.org or call 833-732-2467.

Youth ERA: Virtual drop in, support groups, and 1:1 peer support for young people. Visit www.youthera.org or www.facebook.com/TheYouthERA.   

The Trevor Project: Support of LGBTQ youth ages 13-24. Call the Trevor Lifeline 24/7 at 1-866-488-7386, texting 678-678 or chat online at TheTrevorProject.org/Help.

Mental Health

David Romprey Warmline: Intentional Peer Support service for individuals living with mental illness. Staffed by trained peer support specialists. Visit communitycounselingsolutions.org/warmline or call 800-698-2392.

NAMI Oregon: Information, support, and advocacy for people who experience mental illness. Visit namior.org or reach the helpline at 503-230-8009, 800-343-6264, or namioregon@namior.org.

Hearing Voices Network USA: Online and telephone groups. Support for individuals who live with voices, visions, or other unusual or extreme experiences. Visit www.hearingvoicesusa.org/latest-news/154-new-hvn-usa-online-group or email info@hearingvoicesusa.org.

Mental Health and Addictions Association of Oregon (MHAAO): Peer Support for adults living with mental illness and/or addiction challenges. Online support groups, free 1:1 telephone support. Visit www.mhaoforegon.org or call 503-922-2377.

SAMHSA National Help Line: www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline or call 800-662-HELP (4357).

Substance Use Disorder and Problem Gambling

4th Dimension Recovery Center: Addiction recovery support for adults aged 18-35. Virtual meetings and telephone support available. Visit 4drecovery.org/virtualmeetings or call 971-703-4623.

Oregon Directory of Substance Use Disorder Services: www.oregon.gov/oha/HSD/AMH/publications/provider-directory.pdf.

Oregon Problem Gambling Resource: www.opgr.org/  or 877-MYLIMIT.

SAMHSA National Help Line: www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline 800-662-HELP (4357).

Online 12-step Groups

Oregon Recovery Network: Online directory for a variety of recovery meetings and peer services. Visit oregonrecoverynetwork.org.

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: Visit ddainc.org or call 503-421-7565 or 503-449-2079.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Directory of online meetings available at aa-intergroup.org/directory.php.

Narcotics Anonymous: Directory of online and telephone meetings available at virtual-na.org.

Eating Disorders Anonymous: Online meetings at eatingdisordersanonymous.org/online-meetings. Telephone & zoom meetings at eatingdisordersanonymous.org/phone-zoom-meetings.

Getting Tested

Many people are interested in testing for COVID-19 out of concern for themselves and their loved ones. If you have trouble breathing or feel very ill, contact your healthcare provider or, in case of emergency, call 911. Healthcare providers may decide to have you first tested for other illnesses, like the flu, based on your possible exposure history and any other symptoms you might have.

Call before you go. If you have flu-like symptoms or have reason to think you might have COVID-19, let your healthcare provider know before you visit. This will help avoid exposing anyone else at the provider’s facility.

If you have health insurance: Contact your health insurer or visit the Department of Consumer and Business Services website.

If you don't have health insurance: If you do not have health insurance, you should apply for OHP coverage, which fully covers the cost of getting tested for COVID-19 if needed. If you don’t want to sign up for OHP, you can see a clinician through your county health clinic or a ​federally qualified health center (FQHC).

Visit our FAQ page for more testing information

Spread facts, not fear.

Oregon is seeing an increase in incidents of discrimination and harassment related to the COVID-19 virus. It is important that all people, businesses, and other organizations act on facts, not bias or xenophobia. Health officials confirm there are no links between COVID-19 infection and a person’s race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ability, or national origin. COVID-19 can infect anyone who is exposed to it, and anyone can spread COVID-19.

English Español / Spanish اللغة العربية / Arabic 简体中文 / Simplified Chinese 繁體中文 / Traditional Chinese Foosun Chuuk / Chuukese Lus Hmoob / Hmong Kajin Majol / Marshallese 한국어 / Korean Русский / Russian Af Soomaali / Somali Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese

On Wednesday, April 8, Governor Brown announced that Oregon’s K-12 schools will remain physically closed through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. School, and learning, will continue using remote means.

OHA knows we are asking a lot of Oregonians in order to protect those who are particularly vulnerable to this virus, and there is a lot of fear and anxiety in our communities. Educators are the heart of our schools, which in turn are the heart of our communities. In the wake of COVID-19’s arrival in Oregon, our schools are facing operational and business challenges.

We stand with the governor and our education partners as they work to support students and their families.

Resources from Oregon Department of Education

Child Care Resources from Early Learning Division

In partnership with OHA, the Early Learning Division (ELD) has created new tools for addressing concerns in child care around COVID-19.

Resources from Oregon Higher Education

 Healthcare Volunteers

Are you a licensed healthcare worker and want to offer your skills to the community during the COVID-19 response? Visit our SERV-OR website and register with the State Managed Volunteer Pool and your local Medical Reserve Corps unit.

 SERV-OR Website  Frequently Asked Questions  Training for Volunteers  How to Request Volunteers

 Situation in the U.S. and Globally

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leads the U.S. public health response. The World Health Organization (WHO) guides the global response.

 Information from CDC  Federal Government Response  Information from WHO  Myth Busters from WHO

COVID-19 prevention - Available here in multiple languages
Allergies or COVID-19?
Proper handwashing
¿Cómo protegernos del COVID-19?
(How to protect us from COVID19)
Mitos y Verdades sobre el COVID-19
(Myths and Truths of COVID-19)
Lenguage Mam COVID-19

 General questions: COVID.19@dhsoha.state.or.us

 Website feedback: Health.Webmaster@dhsoha.state.or.us

Accessibility: For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, OHA can provide documents in alternate formats such as other languages, large print, braille or a format you prefer. Contact Mavel Morales at 1-844-882-7889, 711 TTY or OHA.ADAModifications@dhsoha.state.or.us

 Printing requests: You can download materials on this page. OHA does not offer paper versions. Please feel free to print whatever you need.

 Language access: OHA is working to provide original content in languages other than English. Many of the materials in our community resources section are available in multiple languages. OHA is also providing the Google™ Translate option below to assist you in reading the OHA website in languages other than English. Google™ Translate cannot translate all types of documents and may not provide an exact translation. Anyone relying on information obtained from Google™ Translate does so at their own risk. OHA does not make any promises, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided.

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Updated on May 14th, 2020 12:33PM